The Agility Collective

The inner workings of a rather different consulting company

What is The Agility Collective and why?

The Agility Collective is a home for business consultants specialising in applying agile, systems-thinking and lean practices to the wider business. We are consultants who value:

  • Community - We like to hang out with people who share our values
  • Freedom - We want to control our own time
  • Competence - We want to continuously learn
  • Good citizenship - Heart over wallet (money isn’t the main thing in life)
  • Professionalism - We genuinely care about solving our customers problems

We believe these values lead to both personal happiness, as well as business success.

Basically, we’re trying to find the magic balance between being an independent consultant (with full freedom, but no support), and being an employee (with little freedom, but lots of support).

The model allows us to build a ‘practice’ that draws from a deep and rich pool of talent. This gives us the ability to build client-facing teams with the diversity and experienced required to solve complex business challanges.